AUDIO: 1-800-HUG-ME – “Peas”

GGOOLLDD side project of Margaret Butler and Nick Ziemann, 1-800-HUG-ME, are out with their debut EP. They conjure a sweet indie pop sound with catchy hooks, cheerful melodies, and colorful synth twinkles that taste more like candy than they do peas. Regardless of the food you think of, Butler and Ziemann deliver a welcoming and personable listen that will easily appeal to GGOOLLDD fans and synthpop fans alike. We look forward to hearing what the duo will do next.

VIDEO: GGOOLLDD Live at a Nursing Home

Milwaukee synth-pop favorites GGOOLLDD have recently left home to take to touring and writing full time, and they appear to be having quite a bit of fun doing it. The band is currently in Louisiana, original home of frontwoman Margaret Butler, and paid a visit to her grandmother’s senior living center. The band had joked about playing a gig at the nursing home, but thanks to Facebook Live, we got to witness an actual, roughly 25 minute, stripped-down acoustic set from the band. With Nick Schubert on the home’s piano, the band reimagined songs from breakout album “$tandard$”, follow up EP “For The Night”, and even some unreleased material to the seniors. Enjoy the moonlight versions of GGOOLLDD live at a nursing home below:

VIDEO: Cowboy Mouth Interview / “Mardi Gras By Moonlight” Live at the Northern Lights Theater

Last week, we had the honor of meeting up with Louisiana rockers Cowboy Mouth, in advance of their show at the Northern Lights Theater at Potowatomi Hotel and Casino. With over 25 years as a band, and 10 studio albums under their belts, the band had plenty to talk about with Patrick Carroll. Fred, John, Brian, and Matt were all fun to meet up with before the show, and delivered a great set onstage, as well. Cowboy Mouth is definitely in their best element as a live show, and with the energy that they bring every single night, there’s no wonder as to how they’ve built a large following of loyal fans. Check out our interview here, and a clip of “Mardi Gras By Moonlight” from their latest album below that.

You can pick up “Go!”, Cowboy Mouth’s latest album, via iTunes by clicking here.

INTERVIEW: Cowboy Mouth

“Mardi Gras By Moonlight” Live at the Northern Lights Theater