Soul Low Calls It A Day

It’s a sad day for fans of Milwaukee indie pop powerhouses Soul Low. After nine years of making some of always evolving music, the band are officially splitting, as announced on their Facebook page today:

 “good morning soul nation,

this is a hard post to write but nonetheless is one that comes with a sense of comfort to be written and released.

the four boys of soul low have decided it’s time to put this project to bed.

the last year has been quiet, as a lot of y’all have noticed and pointed out. in 2017 sam moved to brooklyn and jake & sean moved to minneapolis. for a while we considered the possibility of being a long distance band, but we feel at this point it’s better to move on.

soul low was born in high school from an instinct to create. we wrote incessantly, toured whenever our lives allowed us to leave the city, collaborated with our friends & folks we looked up to, and always worked to do shit that was important to us. nine years later, we’ve cultivated an audience that has allowed us to try and experiment as our tastes evolved which has been a fucking dream.

we’re beyond thankful to every band, venue, promoter, and person that’s put us on across the country. we’ve seen and done far more than our 16 year old selves could have imagined and for that we’re so fucking appreciative.

thank you for nine years of soul low. thank you for caring. we’re some lucky boys. we have a few more times to see y’all. til then.

sam, jake, sean, charlie”

The announcement makes sense, given the distance involved. Bassist Sam Gerhke had previously toured with New York-based act Yazan, drummer Charlie Celenza currently plays with several acts, and Sean Hirthe also occasionally fills in with several acts as well.

That being said, the band has a few final shows in the works from what we have heard, and it only seems fitting that they officially end Soul Low with a bang. We wish the best to all of the Soul dudes in their future endeavors.

Check out our coverage of Soul Low throughout the years here.