Charmaine Wohlmann

AUDIO: Charmaine Wohlmann – “Avalanche”

With her debut track, ‘Avalanche’, the English singer Charmaine Wohlmann, doesn’t keep anything in the locker. Charmaine, who is obviously very knowledgeable in her style, captures our attention from the very first note of her performance. She then leads us on an unforgettable journey, revealing her many facets.

‘Avalanche’, which has a captivating introduction, begins with a resounding bang. The rhythm of the guitar invites us into the encounter, and the intense energy present is captivating for all the right reasons. Soon after, a drum rhythm emerges from the mix and joins at the same time as Charmaine, who performs a distinctive vocal full of various colours. Compared to other tracks that fall into the same category as this one, her sound is distinct from that of the majority of others, and the fact that she has a background in classical music offers her an additional advantage as well as a distinctive selling point.

The chorus is reached with vigour, during which new elements are introduced. Additionally, including synths in the refrain adds to the dynamic sense that the music generates. It provides a stereo-filling effect by having all sounds together in unison. The lyrics are powerful, and it seems as though Charmaine is venting her anger over constantly having to contend with obstacles that are put in place to slow or hold her back.

You can listen here.