REFLECTION: Favorite Summerfest 50 Moments

All things good must come to an end, so that means that at some point Summerfest 50’s 11 days were going to dwindle down. Summerfest is the best part of the year in Milwaukee. The city gets to enjoy music, friends and the city we love. Now that it is over for the year, I per usual get to reflect on the greatness I have experienced in the time of Summerfest. I unfortunately only went to five of the days, but in those days I still made amazing memories. Here they are:

Now that it is over for the year, I per usual reflect on the greatness I have experienced in the time of Summerfest. I unfortunately only went to five of the days, but in those days I still made amazing memories. Here they are:


They popped into my life at their December 1st Turner Hall show. When I first went to see them, they amazed me with their melodic tunes, passion and high energy. Their set at Johnston Controls stage was no different. They were only the openers, but they proved to everyone they could headline the stage some day very soon.


As imagined, Ludacris’s set at the Miller Lite Oasis was freaking wild. He packed the stage with crazy fans and people who were just ready to get lit. Because of this, I met some interesting people. The first person was Kentucky guy. He had popcorn and offered it to me and my pal a ridiculous amount. He told us we should take some because he was from Kentucky, so that means he is polite and loves Luda. Also, he continuously asked us, “Guess What?” and after we answered “What?,” he would scream “LUDDDDAAAAA!” He was odd and made me laugh a lot. We also ran into two older gentlemen that took on roles of bodyguards. They stopped the pushing and crazy people were surrounding us. How could you not appreciate that? Other than that, there were people who joined in dancing and singing that helped make the whole concert just feel like a party.


Photo From Allen Halas

I was on the other side of the festival catching T-pain, but as we are heading out, Kyle got enough cheers he came running back out. So, instead of seeing him for his one song, I just got to see the one song, “I Spy.” It was fun to run to the stage amongst the other millennials and then jam out.


Muna opened for The Bleachers. I didn’t know them, but I can always appreciate a girl group taking the stage. Their songs were chill, calming and sounded pretty good, but they won me and everyone over when they sang Evanescence’s “Bring Me to Life.” Who doesn’t love a good ol’ angsty tune?


As silly as it sounds, this is who I looked forward to the most when I saw the Summerfest 50 lineup. But, come on, how fun is it that we get to listen to iconic early 2000’s tunes and most importantly hear him say WisCANsin. It was an amazing time, jamming out to “Booty Wurk,” “Buy you a Drink (Shawty Snappin’)” and more. It was lit, wild and good time.


Of course, Jon Bellion’s whole set is great, but it was amazing when he showed off one of his millions of talents, beatboxing, with his drummer.  He would lay down the beat then his drummer would mimic it. Most band introductions are sweet but are kind of boring. This one was out of this world awesome. It was entertaining and so fun.


Photo From Allen Halas

Barns Courtney opened for Jon Bellion’s set. He definitely brought attention to his set not because of his indie songs or guitar playing, but because of his epic jump into the audience that caused him a broken foot. It was a crazy stunt from this singer, but it definitely made his performance even more memorable.


Bleachers got together in 2014 and Summerfest was one of their first performances ever. Now, they get to return bigger and better than ever with more songs and more fans up their sleeves. They brought lots of good vibes and extremely high energy with their first headlining Summerfest set and definitely made people excited for them to return again.


Cover bands are all over Summerfest. They pretty much fill a spot at every stage. But, how often do you actually sit and listen to them? I actually did this. I sat and listened to Bad Medicine, a Bon Jovi tribute band, and had an absolute blast singing these throwback tunes.

Summerfest, thx for the memories. See you again in 352 days!


Breaking And Entering Mash-Up of the Week #1: Sleigh Bells vs. Ludacris

Breaking And Entering, AKA Mine and Steve Frymark’s radio show, have some a new feature that we began this week, called the Mash-Up of the Week. We’re taking two songs that don’t belong together and well… creating a mash-up. Check out this week’s edition: indie group Sleigh Bells’ “Kids” vs. Ludacris’ “How Low”:

Breaking And Entering Mash-Up Of The Week: Sleigh Bells Vs. Ludacris by Breaking And Entering

We also need help deciding Breaking And Entering’s Hero of the Week . Vote for either a group of Mexican drug smugglers who tried to use catapults to launch marijuana over the border, or a 14 year old boy from the 19th century who was recently discovered to be Queen Victoria’s stalker, who stole her panties.

If you didn’t catch Breaking And Entering this week on Marquette Radio, you missed out on a great show. We’ll be back every Thursday from Noon – 1 P.M. at