Review: “Bad Vibrations” – A Day To Remember

Woo! This is one hell of an album. A Day To Remember are back with a bang! After the more poppy yet still heavy Common Courtesy, Bad Vibrations goes back to the days of For Those Who Have Heart. Only thing is that they turn things up to an eleven. Heavy songs like Exposed and the Title Track rival Heartless and may even surpass. Now of course there are the pop punk jams such as Naivety but this time they are more refined and flow with the metalcore tracks. The first three tracks will surely prove that with a one, two, three punch of hard hitting drums, crunchy guitars, and blood curdling vocals. To me it’s the first ADTR album that feels like an album instead of a collection of songs.

Hardcore fans will fall in love right away with Bad Vibrations. As for the causal fans and people who “grew out” of the band, they may want to check this one out. It has everything they loved about their early work and then some. It’s impressive to see how relevant ADTR still are today. They could have easily choked after Homesick and fell into the pit of generic metalcore bands yet they continue to write crazy catchy hooks and breakdowns that don’t make you fall asleep. Not to mention one of the best vocalists in the business.

Bad Vibrations gets a 4.5 out of 5 

Stand out tracks: Paranoia, Naivety, Exposed, Bullfight, Justified, Same About You