Hazeline Taffe Shares Her Incredible New Releases With The World

Singer-songwriter Hazeline Taffe returns with incredible new releases, among which the album Finally, and the singles “Humanitarian Change,” “True Friend,” “Strength ‘n’ Dreams,” and “The Battle of the Cov-19.”

Taffe has a god-given gift of being able to translate into sound and lyrics her pure messages of truth and wisdom, performed in full grace in each of her songs. Feeding the souls who come in contact with her songs with feelings of hope and love has always been her main motivation to create, and just a quick listen at any of her new releases will convince even the most skeptical of audiences that she is capable of healing any listener through music. 

She’s had to overcome many struggles during her life, including the loss of her baby in her ninth month of pregnancy due to medical negligence. Despite this tragedy, Hazeline Taffe has found the inner faith to spread love, hope and worship wherever she passes. Inspiring!