AUDIO: Rob Hicks – “Paradise In Hell”

In the years that we’ve known Rob Hicks, we’ve watched him step his game up immensely. It goes without saying, then, that his new EP, “Paradise In Hell”, is some of his best work yet. With eight tracks in total, Hicks manages to not only steal the spotlight, but shine it brightly on himself, and shut down the rest of the stage while he’s at it. With production from several different artists, including Milwaukee’s Mike Regal, Hicks shows that he can take anyone’s beat and rip it to shreds. Features from Ted Park, Boodah DARR, Trapo, and Olita, we get a glimpse of what’s next in Wisconsin hip hop. Rob Hicks made us pay attention to the music coming out of Racine, and he’ll draw your attention with this EP. Stream “Paradise In Hell” here:

Published by

Allen Halas

Owner/Creator of Breaking And Entering.