Cover artwork for Emissary - "Only Memories"

AUDIO: Emissary – “Only Memories”

Stoner metal act Emissary has their fourth single out, and the first of this year with “Only Memories.” The tempo switches up on this one, but things start off with a head of steam before gradually getting more melodic as it progresses. The first half of the song lives on a driving rhythm, before the guitars isolate, and a reflective sounding bridge moves in. As you might guess, the track is about looking back at someone from your past, and all that you have left of that person. It’s a dramatic five minutes, in the sense that the song ebbs and flows, but it keeps a listener hooked throughout the whole ride. Look for more from Emissary in 2022, and check out “Only Memories” here:

Published by

Allen Halas

Owner/Creator of Breaking And Entering.