Cover artwork for Deuce LB$ - "Earth Is Ghetto"

AUDIO: Deuce LB$ – “Earth Is Ghetto”

Deuce LB$ has a new tape out, and there’s plenty of high quality content on “Earth Is Ghetto.” The project features 16 tracks in total, with a myriad of Milwaukee talent featured over LB$ production. Eleven artists in total make cameos, including Camb, Mudy, Tyso SPRME, Plytme and more. While that could seem a bit crowded, Deuce LB$ does just as strong of a job when it comes to curating this project as he does in terms of creating beats for each artist. There’s standout tracks all over this release, and the range of Deuce as a producer takes center stage, as it should. Check out “Earth Is Ghetto” below:

Published by

Allen Halas

Owner/Creator of Breaking And Entering.