AUDIO: Delaire Featuring Arun – “Loving You”

London artist Delaire has a club-ready single on her hands for the summer, in the form of “Loving You”, featuring R&B artist Arun. Delaire comes from a musical family in the non-traditional sense, as her father was a roadie for the Rolling Stones. While her music is vastly different than the classic rock that she grew up on, she may have picked up a thing or two about style from Mick Jagger. “Loving You” is a futuristic sounding pop track, with a healthy amount of bounce that could put the track in rotation at just about any party. The feature from Arun puts the track over the top, with both artists joining in for the hook as the song reaches its highest momentum. This is a jam, and definitely should show up on your summer playlists. Check out “Loving You” below:

Published by

Allen Halas

Owner/Creator of Breaking And Entering.