AUDIO: Ms. Henrik – “Like Lovers Do”

If you’re ready for your earworm of the day, we’ve got you covered, in the form of Swedish export Ms. Henrik, and his latest single “Like Lovers Do”. The androgynous pop singer brings the best elements of bubblegum pop and indie electronic music together on this track, creating an oh-so-catchy melody to fill out the song’s hook. Outside of the musical realm, Ms. Henrik is known for his unique style. Not only is he an outspoken activist for LGBT rights, but also has his own lipstick line and strives to be a role model for the youth of all genders and backgrounds. At the core of his success, though, is some solid music and a sound that is inescapable. See for yourself on “Like Lovers Do”:

Published by

Allen Halas

Owner/Creator of Breaking And Entering.