B&E Podcast Episode 1: Weird Al Yankovic

As if you didn’t have enough podcasts to listen to, Breaking And Entering is coming full circle, as we originally started as a podcast in 2009. This time around, we’re starting things off by going to the archives, recalling our interview with Weird Al Yankovic from before Summerfest 2016. You can check out the text version of the interview here, and listen to the interview below:

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Raisinman “It Wasn’t Clean” (Shaggy Parody)

Since I’m half an hour early for class, I’ve got time to mention this video. I saw this yesterday, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. It seems cheesy, especially the lyrics, but the skating here is pretty legit. The fake falls, though, look really, really, really fake. Anyway, watch this Shaggy parody: