Ben Slowey

AUDIO: Mere of Light – “Fell Tales”

By bslowbro

August 04, 2021

Experimental-electronic folk project Mere of Light is the solo effort of Elise McArdle, known for their role as vocalist/keyboardist of shoegaze band Cream Vellum. Mere of Light’s debut EP is out now, consisting of five tracks all with the harp as main instrument. McArdle’s lyrical themes touch on resounding emotional reactions to change, as well as the personal empowerment that comes with resisting capitalist-imperialist norms. The music is exquisite yet the message is radical, which culminates into one of the most viscerally compelling records we’ve heard so far in Milwaukee this year. Mere of Light’s EP release show will be at the Jazz Gallery on the 21st – don’t miss it.