Ben Slowey

AUDIO: Couch Flambeau – “Bunny Hideout”

By bslowbro

May 05, 2021

Long-running power pop rockers Couch Flambeau have a new record out. With eight tracks, the trio come bolting out of the gate with frenzied hooks and riffs that rip. There’s some social commentary about hyper-competitiveness from “My Girlfriend’s Band” and “Blogger Bill”; much of the imagery presented is direct, simple, and easy to place yourself in. “Bunny Hideout” packs nostalgia for the simplicity of being a kid and the wonder we had; it’s important for us adults to hold onto as much of that as we can. There’s a homage to the Green Bay Packers with “The Pack is Back” as well. Rock out with Couch Flambeau to wake up that inner kid in you.